Download and stream TV programmes, films and events from Apple TV+, MLS Season Pass and Apple TV channels - Apple Support (ZA) (2024)

Find out more about how to download or stream content from Apple TV+, MLS Season Passand Apple TV channels.

Download a programme, film or event on your iPhone, iPad, Mac, or PC

  1. Open the Apple TV app on your iPhone, iPad, Mac or PC.

  2. Browse or search for aTV programme, film or event.

  3. Choose the TV programme, film or event, then choose the Download buttonon your iPhone, iPad or Mac. Click the Download button on your PC.

  4. To find and play your downloads, go to the Library tab, then choose Downloaded. If Downloaded isn't in your Library tab on your PC, click the More button Download and stream TV programmes, films and events from Apple TV+, MLS Season Pass and Apple TV channels - Apple Support (ZA) (1) and turn Downloaded on.

  5. Can’t download a TV programme or film? You might have reached the limits for downloads, or the channel might not allow downloads.

Download a TV programme, film or event on Apple Vision Pro

  1. Open the Apple TV app.

  2. Browse or search for a TV programme, film or event.

  3. Pinch and hold the item you’d like to download, then tap Download.

  4. To find and play your downloads, open the sidebar, tap Library, then tap Downloaded.

  5. Can’t download a TV programme or film? You might have reached the limits for downloads, or the channel might not allow downloads.

Limits for downloads

You can’t download content from the Apple TV app on Apple TV, smart TVs, streaming devices and on Instead, you can onlystream content on these devices.

For most Apple TV channels, downloads are available for up to 30 days before they expire. For a few channels, downloads may expire earlier.

Some Apple TV channels may have limits for how many titles can be downloaded simultaneously and the number of devices you can download content on. If you reach the limit, the Apple TV app will alert you. If you want to download more titles, delete TV episodes or films you’ve already downloaded from one of your (or your family’s) devices.

Limits for streaming on multiple devices

  • Apple TV+: one subscription allows you to enjoy six simultaneous streams. If you have an Apple Music student subscription, which includes Apple TV+ for a limited time, you can stream Apple TV+ only on one device at a time.

  • MLS Season Pass: one subscription allows you to enjoy up to six simultaneous streams per Apple ID.

  • Apple TV channels:one subscription allows you to enjoy up to three simultaneous streams for most channels. Some channels may allow more or lessthan three simultaneous streams.

The Apple TV app, Apple TV channels, Apple TV+, MLS Season Passand store availability may vary by country or region. See what’s available in your country or region.

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Download and stream TV programmes, films and events from Apple TV+, MLS Season Pass and Apple TV channels - Apple Support (ZA) (2024)
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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.