What Factors Are Used to Determine Whether to Make or Buy a Product? (2024)

Starting a business does not necessarily mean that you have to manufacture all of your products yourself. There are plenty of third-party suppliers who can provide certain items to you, allowing you to save time and money.

The decision as to whether to make vs. buy a product is based on a variety of factors, including the cost of either option, whether the product is available from other vendors, the expertise and resources your business has when it comes to manufacturing, and whether you have enough cash in place to make a purchase.

Make-or-Buy Analysis

If you’re starting a new product-based business, you face some important decisions. One is whether to make vs buy the products you’re going to sell. To decide, businesses conduct a make-or-buy analysis, which helps them determine which approach is the most cost-effective for the products they’re going to sell.

A make-or-buy analysis should weigh some or all of the following, as well as any other factors unique to your specific business:

  • Cost: All other things considered, this will often be the one deciding factor. You’ll want to get accurate estimates in order to pin down the costs to make vs. buy your items.
  • Availability: The truth is, in many instances, you won’t have the option to buy the item. If you’re selling something unique or what you buy would require a manufacturer to do so customization that it’s cost prohibitive, the decision will tip in favor of making your own products.
  • Expertise: You may have a great product you want to sell, but someone else has the expertise to put it together. If you spend months attempting and ultimately failing at creating the product yourself, you’ll lose any money you might have saved by just buying it.
  • Resources: If you don’t already have access to the people, facilities and equipment necessary to make your products, you’ll need to factor in the costs of adding those resources versus purchasing the items from a company that already has these things in place.
  • Available cash: The truth is, making a large up-front purchase costs money. It’s important to make sure you have or can get the capital necessary to buy the products. If you can put together 100 items a week in your home office, you may be able to start collecting orders and sell enough to put money aside to add employees and buy factory space as your business grows.

Benefits of the "Make" Strategy

Often, the decision to make your products comes naturally, based on the product your business is selling. If, for instance, you’ve invented an item that doesn’t exist anywhere else, you’ll have no choice but to make it yourself. This is one of the biggest benefits of the make strategy – you can create a product that can’t be bought anywhere else.

Another benefits to the make strategy is that you’ll be able to expose everyone in your organization to the details of producing your product, from start to finish. This is a benefit you wouldn’t have if a third party made the items, especially if your team never even gets to tour the manufacturing facilities.

You also won’t have to worry about scheduling or your suppliers falling through on their end of the deal. You’re more in control of everything, so you’ll know early on if you won’t be able to fulfill the current orders on time. You’ll also have an ongoing understanding of whether you’ll be able to sustain your current production and when you may need to scale resources to keep up.

Benefits of the "Buy" Strategy

One of the biggest advantages of the buy strategy is being able to find a manufacturer that has expertise in a particular type of product. This manufacturer may even have been creating these products for years, allowing for all of the bugs to be worked out in the early days. You’ll also benefit from the facility and employees the manufacturer already has in place, which will give you the advantage of having those resources without having to pay ongoing costs for them.

As you’re creating your make-or-buy analysis, it’s important to crunch the numbers both ways. Don’t assume it’s always more expensive per item to purchase it rather than make it. You may find that by buying in bulk, you can get a lower cost per unit than you could achieve on your own, when the cost of materials and labor are factored in.

Crunching the Numbers

Before you finalize your make-or-buy decision, you’ll need to get out your calculator and do a little number crunching. It isn’t enough to look at the cost to manufacture versus the cost to buy. You’ll need to see, long-term, just how much either option will cost.

One of the best ways to do this is through a break-even analysis. This is done using a simple formula: Break-Even Point (Units) = Fixed Costs ÷ (Revenue per Unit – Variable Cost per Unit). So you’ll determine the fixed cost for the item, then divide that figure from the revenue per unit, less the variable cost per unit. That will give you your break-even point.

Using this formula, you would do a make-or-buy analysis and add up all fixed costs to manufacture the item. Those are the costs that will not change, such as the fixed wages you pay. You’ll also determine the revenue for each item produced and the variable cost per unit, which are the expenses that can change, such as the cost of parts. This tells you how many units you’ll need to manufacture to break even on those costs.

Costs to Manufacture

Although you’ll need capital to purchase products to get your business started, you’ll also need money to make your items. First, there are the costs to purchase and store your parts, materials and products until they’re sold. If you can rent this space at a set fee, this will be one of your fixed costs. You’ll also have to pay anyone who will help with making the items, as well as the equipment you’ll need to get started.

Variable costs include the money you’ll spend on parts and materials. Even if you’re making an item that has never been made before, the fabric, plastics, hardware and other materials that will make it up are already in existence. Chances are, your cost of those items will vary from one month to another, especially if your customer demand fluctuates.

Finding a Vendor

If you choose to go with purchasing after doing your make or buy analysis, the next move is to find a good vendor. Hopefully by now you know exactly what product or products you’re going to sell. You’ll want to look through different vendors’ inventories to compare quality and prices.

Being flexible during this process helps. If you’re very specific about what you want, though, you’ll need to search for manufacturers who makes exactly what you have in mind or find out if they can modify their products to fit your needs.

You can usually save money by going overseas, but this will require you to deal with the cost and time related to having the products shipped internationally to you. You also may not have the control you’d have if they were made nearby.

What Factors Are Used to Determine Whether to Make or Buy a Product? (2024)
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