How do you respond to muy bien y tu? (2024)

The standard answer is probably “Bien” (“Fine”) or “Muy bien” (“Very good”). Of course, both of those responses are often expanded: “Muy bien, gracias. ¿Y tú?” (“Quite well, thank you.

How do you respond to muy bien? would be bien (fine) or even ¡muy bien! (great!). Other less positive replies could be vaya (so-so), regular (not bad), vamos tirando (getting by). To get the conversation going, you could flesh out your questions and answers a little.

Likewise Is it rude to say Y tu?

Actually, there is no response to ¨y tu¨ because it means ¨and your¨. ¨Tu¨ without the accent means ¨your¨ It is usually used as a possessive adjective. On the other hand, ¨tú¨ with the accent means ¨you¨. This is the informal or familiar way of speaking with your friends and your family.

What means mucho gusto? Mucho Gusto Pronounced: Moo-cho Goo-stow. This phrase means “nice to meet you.” It is obviously used when you’re meeting someone for the first time. It can be used in the beginning and the end of the conversation.

How do you respond to adios?

You can also say ; ¡Hasta Mañana! or ¡Adiós!

What do you say after bien? As with English, French people tend to reply to Ça va? with a positive response – Bien, or Bien, merci – much the same way as we would use fine in English. The following responses are polite enough for a new acquaintance, but general enough for a good friend, too: Très bien, merci. Very well, thank you.

Is saying usted rude?

As a traveller or dealing with strangers, the use of usted is not wrong. Usted is often used a sign of respect. One should be aware of the fact that the casual, often almost disrespectful, ways of addressing strangers does not apply beyond the borders of the USA.

Is Adios formal or informal? Goodbyes in Spanish: Basic Phrases. While there are many ways to say hello (as you’ll see in the slang section soon), goodbye is pretty simple. Hasta luego, chao, adios, hasta mañana, and that’s pretty much it. This is formal.

What does hasta luego mean in English?

Definition of hasta luego

: until later : see you later.

Can Adios mean hello? Adios means goodbye in Spanish. Ciao Adios means goodbye, or hello and goodbye. It’s English slang – a fad.

What do you say after Hola como estas?

When someone asks you ¿Cómo estás? If you feel alright, you say estoy bien; you could also say, estoy muy bien, to give more emphasis, which means “very good” or “very well.” You can also add one extra word, gracias, meaning “thanks”, and estoy bien, gracias; it means “I’m fine, thank you.” 2.

How do you respond to Como se llama? Cómo te llamas is answered with Yo me llamo… or Me llamo… [given name]. The phrase has been recorded in its current form in Spanish since at least the mid-1500s.

How do you answer Como?

Using ¿Y tú? and ¿Y usted? to Respond to Cómo estás

Learn more.

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The polite thing to do is to follow every response with a gentle ¿Y tú? If you’re in a formal context (that is, the other person is older than you or very respectable), you may want to be a little more formal and say ¿Y usted?

How do you respond to Buenos dias? “Gracias. Y a usted.” “Y a usted igualmente.” Or if it is not a good day, “Gracias, pero hoy, no está.”

Is Tu rude?

tu aa ( तू आ | تو آ ) is the most informal one, used to talk to a junior or a close friend. If used to refer to a stranger, it might appear impolite and disrespectful.

What is Vosotros? Vosotros is a Spanish personal pronoun used to refer to the second person plural in Spain. … If you’re referring to only female plural subjects, you use vosotras. Vosotros is used when an individual person or speaker is addressing a group of 2 or more people.

What is nosotros?

Nosotros (“Let’s”) Commands. Vosotros Commands.

How do you say goodbye in Guatemala? In the Guatemalan culture, people say “adios” when saying goodbye. For body language, people wave or hug when saying goodbye.

How do you say goodbye in Argentina?

How to say goodbye in Argentina

  1. “Chau”– Bye.
  2. “Adios” – Goodbye.
  3. “Hasta luego” – See you later.

Does Adios mean goodbye forever? The time in Lima drew to a close, and it was time for the Peru Study-Service Term students to say A Dios – go with God – to their host families in Lima. So the students planned a farewell celebration or despedida – a beloved Peru SST tradition.

Is Hasta luego rude?

It literally means ’till then’. While the use of hasta luego in Spain is more casual than adiós, it is not an impolite expression. That means anyone can use it with anyone, even with your boss, someone older than you or with someone on a much higher social level.

What is the meaning of hasta la vista baby? The term “Hasta la vista”, literally “Until the view“, is a Spanish farewell that can generally be understood as meaning “Until the (next) time we see each other” or “See you later” or “Goodbye”.

What is Mi Amore?

Into English (US)

my love. my love.

How do you respond to muy bien y tu? (2024)
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