ZorgDomein Integrator - Document type (2024)

ZorgDomein users can generate clinical documents to inform other healthcare organizations or professonials about the medical condition of a patient or to request a specific healthcare serivice or product. These documents can be divided into different document types. Read more about documents.

The logical uri for thiscoding system is:


ZorgDomein Integrator currentlysupports the following document types:

CodeDisplay (NL)Definition
appointment-requestAfspraakberichtLogistic message that announces the referral and contains the logistic data of the referral, i.e. details of the patient, referrer, referring organization, recipient and selected healthcare request. This message does not contain the referral letter or any medical dossier data from the referrer.
referral-letterVerwijsbriefDocument containing all the relevant medical patient data for a referral. This document should be considered as an attachment to the appointment request.
request-formAanvraagformulierDocument that lists the requested services or products. Additionally this document provides relevant medical patient data for the requested serives or products.
teleconsult-request-formTeleconsultatie aanvraagformulierDocument containing a request for advice. Additionally this document provides relevant medical data about the condition of the patient.
questionnaireVragenlijstDocument containing theresponse toa questionnaire that is linked to a transaction.
supplementNazendingAfter sending the referral letter, the referrer may sooner or later decide to send one or more supplemental documents. The referrer may optionally add one or more attachments to the supplemental letter. These attachments will be delivered in a separate document.
cancellationAnnuleringsberichtThe initiator of a referral or healthcare request may decide to cancel a sent referral or request by sending a cancellation request. This document contains the cancellation request and the reason for cancellation.
reportMedisch verslagThis document is sent by a healthcare professional to inform another healthcare professional or organization about the condition of a patient. The report document type has several document sub types (see below).
admission-reportIn behandelingsverslagDocument to inform about the admission of a patient or start of a treatment(subtype ofreport).
direct-entry-messageBericht directe toegangDocument to inform about the fact that a patient has approached a healthcare supplier directly, without a referral (subtype ofreport).
intermediate-reportTussentijds verslagDocument to inform about the progress of a patient treatment (subtype ofreport).
progress-reportUpdateDocument to inform about the progress of a patient treatment (subtype ofreport).
treatment-progress-reportUpdate voortgang behandelingDocument to inform about the progress of a patient treatment (subtype ofreport).
consult-reportConsultatieverslagDocument to inform about the progress of a patient treatment (subtype ofreport).
discharge-reportOntslagberichtDocument to inform about the discharge of a patient or end of a treatment(subtype ofreport).
final-reportEindverslagDocument toinformabout the results and end of aparamedic treatment(subtype ofreport).
procedure-reportVerslag over handelingDocument to inform about the progress of a requested service or procedure (subtype ofreport).
request-for-productVerzoek om zorgproductDocument to request a referral or serivce request(subtype ofreport).
copy-reportDoorstuurrapportageCopy of a referral or request that is sent by the sending party to inform a third party about the referral or request(subtype ofreport).
responseAntwoordThis document is always a response to a previous referral or request sent by the initiator of the transaction and is typically within the same transaction scope as the initial request.
transfer-dossierOverdrachtsdocumentDossier containing all relevant medical details for a patient that is being transferred. The transfer dossier document type has several document sub types (see below).
medical-transferMedische overdrachtMedical transfer dossier(subtype oftransfer-dossier).
medication-transferMedicatieoverdrachtMedication transfer dossier(subtype oftransfer-dossier).
nursing-transferVerpleegkundige overdrachtNursing transfer dossier(subtype oftransfer-dossier).
palliative-transferPalliatieve overdrachtPalliative transfer dossier(subtype oftransfer-dossier).
combined-transferGecombineerde overdrachtCombinedtransfer dossier (subtype oftransfer-dossier).
ggz-transferGGZ overdrachtGGZ (mental health care)transfer dossier (subtype oftransfer-dossier).
treatment-directivesBehandelgrenzenTransfer document containig treatment directives (subtype oftransfer-dossier).
announcementMeldingDocument to notify the recipient about a specific health condition of a person.
ZorgDomein Integrator - Document type (2024)
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