Build a Mechanical LEGO Valentine Box - Frugal Fun For Boys and Girls (2024)

Is your child tossing around Valentine box ideas, trying to decide how to decorate their box? Well, how about just building a Valentine box out of LEGO bricks? SO FUN!

In fact, this is a mechanical LEGO Valentines Box, which means that it has moving parts. Turn a gear on the side of the box, and the envelope slot opens. How cool is that?! The mechanism is very fun, and easy to make. However, kids can easily build this box without the mechanism and just leave a slot open on the top.

Build a Mechanical LEGO Valentine Box - Frugal Fun For Boys and Girls (1)

Here’s how the LEGO Valentine Box works:

The top of the box has a slot. Underneath the slot, there is a gray panel that slides back and forth to open the slot. There are two gear racks on the panel that make it move. I’ll show you more photos (and a video) in a minute!

Build a Mechanical LEGO Valentine Box - Frugal Fun For Boys and Girls (2)

As you turn the gear on the side of the box, the panel slides…

Build a Mechanical LEGO Valentine Box - Frugal Fun For Boys and Girls (3)

And then you can drop in a Valentine card!

Build a Mechanical LEGO Valentine Box - Frugal Fun For Boys and Girls (4)

Want to see a video demonstration? Click the play button and watch how our LEGO Valentine Box works.

Can’t see the play button? It’s probably because of ad blockers. Ads on the videos allow me to keep this website free, rather than charging a membership fee.

Ready to build your own LEGO Valentine Box?

Kids can use whatever color bricks they want for this project. My boys have never been into hearts and mushy stuff… while Janie loves red, pink, and hearts. It will be fine to make it red with hearts, or make it a combination of colors! One alternative to hearts would be to build a yellow emoji face into the design.

Start with a 32 x 32 baseplate. Our box is 24 x 24 studs. Kids can adjust the size however they like.

Build a Mechanical LEGO Valentine Box - Frugal Fun For Boys and Girls (5)

There are two white plates that I built into the sides of the box to serve as “bumpers” for the sliding panel. You’ll see why in a minute when I explain more.

I made the front of the box solid red, and the sides red and white stripes. The back is light gray simply to cut down on how many red and white bricks I needed! No one looks at the back, haha.

We had some cute heart plates from the LEGO store, so I attached those to the box with 1 x 1 bricks that have a stud on the side.

I also put two 1 x 8 Technic bricks on the side of the box so that I would have a hole to run an axle through.

Build a Mechanical LEGO Valentine Box - Frugal Fun For Boys and Girls (6)

The sliding panel needs a track to slide on. I made two “towers” out of bricks. There are tiles on top of each one, and a bracket on one end. The bracket keeps the panel from sliding too far and falling off.

Build a Mechanical LEGO Valentine Box - Frugal Fun For Boys and Girls (7)

Place one brick tower on each side of the box. Mine are three studs from the back.

Build a Mechanical LEGO Valentine Box - Frugal Fun For Boys and Girls (8)

I built the panel by connecting a 4 x 8 plate and an 8 x 16 plate. There is a plate underneath that connects them. Then I added two 1 x 4 gear racks.

Build a Mechanical LEGO Valentine Box - Frugal Fun For Boys and Girls (9)

Place the panel on top of the brick towers. Make sure that it can slide back and forth freely.

Build a Mechanical LEGO Valentine Box - Frugal Fun For Boys and Girls (10)

Grab an axle (5 studs long), a 12-tooth bevel gear, a red Technic bush, and a 40-tooth gear.

Note: You can substitute something else for the 40-tooth gear if needed. Kids will notice that turning just the bare axle will be challenging. You need to create some mechanical advantage by placing a larger circle on the axle. Then it will be much easier to turn!

Build a Mechanical LEGO Valentine Box - Frugal Fun For Boys and Girls (11)

Slide the axle through the Technic bricks on the side of the Valentine box. Then slide on the bevel gear so that the teeth mesh with the gear rack as shown. Finally, add the 40-tooth gear.

Build a Mechanical LEGO Valentine Box - Frugal Fun For Boys and Girls (12)

This is the full mechanism. When you turn the 40-tooth gear, the panel will slide back and forth between the light gray brackets and the white plates.

Add a layer of plates all the way around the top of the box. This will allow you to add a lid without it touching the black gear.

Build a Mechanical LEGO Valentine Box - Frugal Fun For Boys and Girls (13)

Then build a lid for your Valentine Box! I connected several white plates together. If you don’t have enough white, gray will work well, or you can choose a combination of colors.

And then you’re all set for your class party!

Build a Mechanical LEGO Valentine Box - Frugal Fun For Boys and Girls (14)

This is so fun, and a fun twist on the Valentine box decorating project!

Build a Mechanical LEGO Valentine Box - Frugal Fun For Boys and Girls (15)

Need more LEGO ideas:

Build a Mechanical LEGO Valentine Box - Frugal Fun For Boys and Girls (16)


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  1. Dirksen Feb 6, 2023

    Thanks, I'll try to add this mechanism to my DIY of Piggy Bank 40251.

  2. Angela Jan 2, 2024

    This is neat but did you glue it or anything in case of it dropping?

    1. Sarah Jan 4, 2024

      No, we don't glue Lego bricks!!!


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Build a Mechanical LEGO Valentine Box - Frugal Fun For Boys and Girls (2024)


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Step 1: Cut a slot in the top of the shoe box (for Valentine's)then wrap the box in lime green duct tape. Step 2: Wrap the black duct tape around the box like a belt. Step 3: Finish belt with black flaps. Step 4: Print and tape down eyes and name.

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To make: Cut a slit in the top of a shoebox, then cover the top and bottom of the box with pink paper. Then cover it with heart-shaped stickers.

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Spa basket: Fill a basket with relaxing bath items, like bath salts, bubble bath, and scented candles, along with a soft towel and robe. Food basket: Put together a basket of gourmet treats, like chocolates, wine, cheese, and crackers, for a romantic dinner at home.

What can I put in a Valentines box? ›

Greeting Card: A heartfelt Valentine's Day card with a personalized message expressing love, gratitude, or affection is a classic addition to a Valentine's box. Chocolates or Candy: Valentine's Day is often synonymous with sweet treats like chocolates, candies, or other confections.

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I just glued the rim of a mason jar to the top of the ball, covered it with a gray circle cut out of craft foam, and then attached a piece of rope to the top. That's it! You now have a Super Mario Bomb. Pretty simple right??

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Complete these steps
  1. Make sure that Super Mario Party has been updated to the latest version on each system. ...
  2. Open the Super Mario Party game and select your user account.
  3. Select the number of players, up to two. ...
  4. Pair each Joy-Con controller.
  5. Each player will select a character.

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Which game mode do you want to play?
  1. After selecting the game mode, scroll left or right to select Online Play.
  2. Select Friend Match or Private Game, depending on who you wish to play with. ...
  3. Select whether to play with Two Players on a System or One Player on a System.
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How to pack LEGO sets for moving
  1. Dust your sets with a soft brush.
  2. Remove any elements that stick out and put them in a sealable plastic bag.
  3. Wrap each set with industrial strength cling film.
  4. Wrap the set with the loose parts in bubble wrap.
  5. Line a cardboard box with packaging paper and place the set inside.
Mar 20, 2023

How are LEGO boxes made? ›

Our LEGO® boxes are made of cardboard (corrugated fiberboard PAP20 or non-corrugated fiberboard PAP21) from responsibly sourced materials certified by the Forest Stewardship Council™ (FSC™C117818). LEGO boxes can be recycled where infrastructure and access to paper and cardboard recycling exist.

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