What are acne-like bumps on the chest and back? There are various reasons why you develop chest bumps.
What are the bumps on the chest?
What are the bumps on the chest?
1. Are bumps on your chest a rash?
2. Cherry hemangioma
3. Keratosis pilaris – small rough bumps on chest
4. Acne vulgaris – pustules, nodules and lesions
5. Bumps Pityrosporum Folliculitis (bumps on chest not acne)
6. Stings and bites
How to prevent chest rashes
Medical attention and care
What causes bumps on the chest? Learn more about chest rashes among other skin conditions that are symptomatic of chest bumps.
1. Are bumps on your chest a rash?
A rash is mainly viewed as a symptom of the skin or systemic conditions, infections or allergic reactions of specific kinds. Below are some of the causes of rashes or ways in which a skin rash can result.
Contact dermatitis
Can contact dermatitis cause a rash on the chest? Yes. Contact dermatitis is the most common form of an allergic reaction (allergic eczema) which can produce adverse effects on the skin. Contact dermatitis is said to occur when an allergic substance encounters the chest and there is a reaction by the body to that specific substance.
Chemicals in antiperspirants, detergents and soaps are the common cases where a skin rash develops as a result of an allergic reaction. Let us take another example of this case where people like celebrities are fond of necklaces or neck chains. The chains may have metal coatings or strips made from an allergic-producing reaction. An example is Nickel.
While some people will experience no symptoms, red raised bumps that cause itching are more common in most of the reported cases. Nonetheless, childhood rashes can be the worst more so when they cause itching.
Skin rashes due to human infections – Chickenpox and shingles
Chickenpox is a viral infection caused by the varicella-zoster virus. This infection is commonly characterized by a skin rash but there is a variation in symptoms during the development phases. Before the virus becomes contagious many children and affected individuals complain about fever, headache and often lose eager for food.
The rash that develops after a few days looks pink or red. The bumps would produce fluid-filled blisters and would lead to scabbing all over the body.
After resolving or receiving an immunity, the virus goes to “sleep” in the nerves.
On the other hand, the shingle is a viral rash that can potentially erupt on skin when the varicella-zoster virus is potentially reactivated after recovery from chickenpox.
It is symptomatic of pain, burning or tingling in the specific location on the body.
The occurrence is approximately 40% and the rash is common among the older group of people. It shingles contagious. Notably, the virus can spread from infected skin to the healthy skin of someone who has never had chickenpox or its vaccine.
Treatments or remedies can only address the signs and symptoms but not eliminate the virus. However, the FDA-approved Zostavax vaccine is given to prevent shingles for those over 50.
Molluscum Contagiosum
Molluscum contagiosum is another (viral) infection that causes a mild skin rash. The rash can be identified as small growths or wart-like bumps (called Mollusca) that are usually pink, white, or skin-colored.
The virus that causes Molluscum contagiosum enters the body through skin cuts or breaks. Besides, the virus can spread quickly to other areas of your body after infection. The bumps are distinctly smooth and shiny or pearly-looking and may have an indented center.
This infection is common in kids and growing children about 10 years old. The virus is also contagious in adults especially if they are sexual partners.
Treatment is not necessary in most cases. Otherwise, preventing the virus from spreading id the big deal.
Sweat rashes
Some people especially pregnant women can develop a rash from sweating around the chest.
2. Cherry hemangioma
A cherry hemangioma is a purple to bright-red bump on the skin caused by an overgrowth of small veins. Cherry hemangiomas can develop on any part of the skin. They are identified as small red, flat or bumpy. They can slightly increase in diameter with time.
They are not contagious and do not potentially develop into cancer of skin. Unfortunately, anyone of any race, gender or color can be a victim.
Treatment or removal
Do you need to get treatment to remove cherry hemangioma? Treatment is optional and may not be necessary. Cherry hemangiomas resolve on their own in most occurrences. However, if they occasionally bleed or irritate skin you can see a dermatologist remove them. Prior to the removal or treatment, your dermatologist would have to look at them and study them carefully.
Bleeding lesions may require prescription medications. Other removal methods include laser, liquid Nitrogen freezing, excision and electrocautery.
NOTE: it is important to avoid or prevent trauma causing injuries or anything that can lead to bleeding of the bumps.
3. Keratosis pilaris – small rough bumps on chest
What causes keratosis pilaris? Small numerous bumps on the chest can also signify keratosis pilaris. You get keratosis pilaris when the horny skin layer of skin produces too much keratin that ends up being deposited in the skin follicles.
What does KP look like on the chest and back of arms? Keratosis pilaris is marked by the appearance of small horny plugs on the chest. The plugs are also slightly rough when felt by the palm. People often say that KP on the chest feels spiky. Other common locations for KP include the back of forearms, upper arms shoulders and thighs.
The problem can be inherited or run in families. KP is a harmless skin condition. It, therefore, does not really need treatment unless it is cosmetically driven. Sometimes keratosis pilaris clears on its own in adulthood.
4. Acne vulgaris – pustules, nodules and lesions
Another cause of bumps on the chest is acne. If your skin glands are triggered to produce too many body oils you can become prone to acne. Body acne is due to a number of internal factors such as the influence of hormones, interference in skin shedding, certain medications and increased growth of bacteria Propionibacterium acnes.
All of these factors result in the plugging of hair follicles. When the follicles become pugged the growth of bacteria acne is even favored. This is what mainly causes inflammation.
Inflamed acne or “pimples” is the major culprit in relation to chest bumps. Other symptoms of acne include:
Blackheads (open comedo) and whiteheads
Papules – pink rounded and solid bumps that rise under the skin
Pustules characterized by the pus-filled pimples. Papules are distinct with a red base.
They are painful huge or bigger than papules and tend to be deep
Cystic acne
Statistically, acne breakout is most reported at youth age when many people (adolescents exclusively) experience variation in concentration of hormones.
IMPORTANT: Moderate to severe forms of cane can lead to permanent scarring or form hypertrophic body scars especially when not treated timely, approached with inappropriate self-care or treated aggressively.
Treatment of acne bumps and pimples on chest
Acne nodules are usually treated using prescription medications. Over the counter, treatments help get rid of the milder forms of acne. Beginning with the non-prescription treatments, products like cleansers, gentle soaps and creams can be acquired from drugstores or pharmacist shops.
If you do not know what to select from the range of products ask your skincare expert or physician. For the treatments to be of worth (the cost of going for clinical treatments) all instructions or rates of the application must be adhered to.
For instance, most of the water-based or those products labeled non-comedogenic are commonly incorporated in routine skincare and give results – quite satisfactory. If applied consistently in accordance with given directions most acne patients get to see the improvements come along.
If the acne does not show improvements inform your dermatologist. Experts use advanced procedures including microdermabrasion and laser resurfacing.
Prescription treatments for chest pimples
Doctors use medications to treat pimples. They can be administered orally or as external applications depending upon the symptoms (for instance infection) or severity in pimple formation. Antibiotic agents such as benzoyl peroxide and azelaic acid can help eliminate typical pimples on the chest.
Vitamin A derivations could also be incorporated in some situations. Oral medicines may include Tetracycline, Minocycline, Doxycycline, Ampicillin, or pills.
5. Bumps Pityrosporum Folliculitis (bumps on chest not acne)
Pityrosporum folliculitis is caused by an overgrowth of the skin yeast in the hair follicles. The overgrowth is influenced by factors such as hot temperatures or humid surroundings. It is also contributed by increased sweating.
Other possible reasons behind the overgrowth of the yeast include
Diabetes or if one is diabetic
Too much bodyweight i.e. being overweight
Influence of certain medications such as oral steroid and contraceptive pills
Oily skin or applying oily skincare products
Notably, pityrosporum folliculitis is identified by the itchy, acne-like eruptions of yeast “pustules” in a follicular pattern especially the upper chest and back.
Getting the right medicine to treat this condition has never been easy. This may be due to the fact that all the factors can be correctly outlined. In addition, infections like tinea versicolor can pose a challenge.
According to the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology, oral treatments give optimal results and is considered the best treatment. In many situations, this form of medication can take a few weeks to clear the condition. Doctors recommend oral medicines Nizoral and Sporanox.
In addition, your dermatologist can decide upon the effective treatment after a careful examination and evaluation.
6. Stings and bites
Other possible causes of bumps around the chest are bites and stings from insects.
Stings can be a cause of a bumpy skin rash. Bumps due to an insect sting like a bee are usually painful. In some people, the swelling can migrate from the point of stinging to another part of the body.
On the other hand, most insect bites cause irritation, itching or general pain. Something tricky with the treatment of bites is identifying them. Although, bites from insects like mosquitoes are
Red, small bumps on chest
Red bumps on the chest can be itchy and cause discomfort. Red bumps on the chest can be a symptom of an allergic reaction, acne vulgaris, and viral rash such as chickenpox. As we stated earlier, insect bites can also cause red itchy bumps on the skin. Besides rashes, cherry hemangioma and Keratosis pilaris can account for small red bumps on your chest.
How to prevent chest rashes
Chest rashes can be prevented in the future if you observe and practice self-care to the latter. Here are the top tips for you.
Change your clothing often. Doing so will assist you in identifying whether it is a potential reaction
Avoid hot beverages, greasy and spicy foods when you have discovered you are a sweat rash sufferer
Drink a lot of water during winter ho help you eliminate toxins or reduce the accumulation
Remove sources of room humidifier or heaters during the onset of different seasons
Wear the right clothing during exercising
Shower after and every workout
Do not scratch when the urge to itch is the last thing. instead, control itchiness
Loosen up your clothing especially during pregnancy
Control sweating as much as you can
Medical attention and care
If you are suspicious or do not know what to do or the bumps on your chest won’t heal, do not hesitate. Call your doctor or seek medical attention.
For some people, celiac disease causes an itchy, blistering rash known as dermatitis herpetiformis. It may begin with an intense burning sensation around the elbows, knees, scalp, buttocks, and back. Clusters of red, itchy bumps form and then scab over.
Dermatitis herpetiformis (sometimes known as DH, Duhring's disease, the gluten rash or the celiac rash), is a long-term (chronic) skin condition that causes itchy bumps and blisters. The direct cause of dermatitis herpetiformis is a sensitivity to gluten.
What Does Gluten Rash Look Like? Dermatitis herpetiformis can occur anywhere on the body, but it is most commonly seen on the knees, elbows, buttocks, lower back, and the back of the neck. The rash typically takes the form of myriad tiny reddish-purple bumps that can take several days to heal.
Gluten rash is a chronic, autoimmune skin condition that occurs in people with celiac disease because of gluten sensitivity. Symptoms of a gluten rash include a rash that looks like red, raised skin lesions/blisters, sores that look like hives, and lesions that occur in groups.
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is the most commonly diagnosed gastrointestinal disorder, and has features that mimic CD. Symptoms include abdominal pain along with altered bowel form and/or frequency. IBS is often associated with other disorders including somatic comorbidities.
Dermatitis herpetiformis is often mistaken for other skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, scabies, shingles, and allergic or contact dermatitis. What differentiates dermatitis herpetiformis is that it tends to affect both sides of the body at the same time.
Symptoms. Dermatitis herpetiformis is characterized by small, clustered papules and vesicles that erupt symmetrically on the elbows, knees, buttocks, back, or scalp. The face and groin can also be involved. A burning sensation may precede lesion formation.
DH is caused by the body's immune system reacting to a protein called gluten in foods containing wheat, barley and rye. This reaction causes a skin rash to develop.
What it looks like. A typical gluten face will present with red, puffy cheeks, with spots of hyperpigmentation around the chin. Some people will also have pimples spread out over the chin. Your face can also become bloated or swollen.
Genetics plays a major role in gluten intolerance. If you have family members with the condition, you're more prone to developing it. Some will experience symptoms as soon as they begin eating gluten as children, while others may suddenly develop symptoms in adulthood.
Leukemia cutis appears as red or purplish red, and it occasionally looks dark red or brown. It affects the outer skin layer, the inner skin layer, and the layer of tissue beneath the skin. The rash can involve flushed skin, plaques, and scaly lesions. It most commonly appears on the trunk, arms, and legs.
How psoriasis develops. In psoriasis, the life cycle of your skin cells greatly accelerates, leading to a buildup of dead cells on the surface of the epidermis. Psoriasis is a skin disease that causes a rash with itchy, scaly patches, most commonly on the knees, elbows, trunk and scalp.
Despite some of the claims circulating on the internet, going on a gluten-free diet won't cure your acne. There's no clinical evidence that gluten triggers acne breakouts. Additionally, research doesn't support that a gluten-free diet will clear up your acne.
Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder. When a person who has it eats gluten, their immune system attacks and damages their small intestine. Over time, finger-like projections in the intestine that absorb nutrients, called villi, get damaged, limiting the overall absorption.
Celiac disease symptoms can mimic those of lupus, so it helps to understand more about the condition and how the body may respond to gluten – or the absence of it – if diagnosed. Celiac disease can even be asymptomatic, making it difficult to get to the root of why someone may suddenly feel so poorly.
Because it demonstrates features of celiac disease not detected with barium examination, CT may be more sensitive than barium examination for diagnosis of this disease.
How long after eating gluten do people with celiac disease experience a reaction? People with celiac disease often experience a delayed reaction to eating gluten. It can take two to three days after eating gluten before symptoms appear.
Autoimmune disorders associated with dermatitis herpetiformis are the same as those associated with coeliac disease, including hypothyroidism, type 1 diabetes, and pernicious anaemia. Dermatitis herpetiformis: a cutaneous manifestation of coeliac disease.
Although their efficacy is not very high in the treatment of dermatitis herpetiformis, third-generation antihistamines with specific activity on eosinophilic granulocytes, classified as a third-level therapeutic option, may also be used to control pruritus and itching.
Dermatomyositis is a systemic autoimmune disease that often begins with arm and leg weakness as well as several different rashes including: a rash on the hands (Gottron's), around the eyes (heliotrope), and/or across the back and chest (shawl rash; see images at right).
A lupus rash can appear in the following ways: A scaly, butterfly-shaped rash that covers both your cheeks and the bridge of your nose, This rash will not leave any scarring in its wake, but you may notice some skin discoloration such as dark or light-colored areas. Red, ring-shaped lesions that do not itch or scar.
Sjogren's syndrome patients often develop a purple-to-red rash that does not lighten when pressure is applied. They may also show purpura (rashes with blood spots) that's indicative of vasculitis (inflammation of blood vessels). If you observe any of these rashes on your skin, consult a dermatologist.
Pemphigus vulgaris is a rare long-term condition caused by a problem with the immune system. It causes blisters in the mouth and on the skin. It can be very serious, but treatment can help control it.
What is prurigo nodularis? Prurigo nodularis is a chronic skin disorder characterized by the presence of hard, extremely itchy bumps known as nodules. Though the cause of the condition is unknown, the nodules are the result of persistent, intense scratching and rubbing of the skin.
Eczema herpeticum (EH) is a disseminated cutaneous infection with herpes simplex virus that develops in a patient with atopic dermatitis. EH typically presents as a sudden onset eruption of monomorphic vesicles and "punched-out" erosions with hemorrhagic crusts over eczematous areas.
Hives, also called urticaria (yer ti CARE ee uh), are red, itchy, raised bumps or welts on the skin. They may be small, like mosquito bites, or many inches wide. Hives can appear alone, in a group or can connect with each other to cover bigger areas. When pressed, the center of the hive turns pale.
How is dermatitis herpetiformis diagnosed? In addition to a health history and physical exam, DH is usually confirmed with a skin biopsy and a specialized type of immunofluorescent stain that helps to detect the IgA antibodies. You may also have blood tests to find certain antibodies.
Food allergies, reactions to bites or stings, and allergies to certain medications can also all act as triggers for hives, while some people develop the rash after coming into direct skin contact with certain cosmetics, perfumes, plants, latex, or chemicals.
It is highly contagious and spreads by direct skin contact. Linear IgA disease: This disease is a rare and often long-term skin problem the characteristics of which are groups of itchy blisters and raised lesions on the skin. It is an autoimmune disease that certain medications can trigger.
Dermatitis herpetiformis is frequently misdiagnosed as eczema, another inflammatory skin disorder. Both skin conditions manifest as a highly itchy and bumpy rash that people often scratch raw.
1. Scabies. If you develop an intensely itchy skin rash and quickly discover other household members or intimate partners have it too, you might have scabies.
Most people manage the condition with a gluten-free diet and with medications to treat the rash. If you rely on diet alone, it can take 6 to 24 months after removing gluten from your diet for the rash to disappear. Therefore, people commonly take medication during this period to reduce the rash symptoms.
It's Possible to Be Overweight With Celiac Disease
For example, in a 2010 study published in the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology, 15.2% of adults with celiac disease were overweight when they were diagnosed and 6.8% were obese. 3 Together, these outnumbered the 17.3% who were underweight.
Coeliac disease is genetic, or hereditary, which means it runs in families, but not everyone who carries the genes develops the disease. There are many factors that determine whether or not a person develops coeliac disease during their lifetime.
The term gluten belly is used to define the feeling that some people experience after eating foods containing gluten. This sensation usually consists of feeling sick, tired, or bloated.
In people with gluten intolerance, the immune system mistakenly thinks that gluten proteins are foreign invaders and attacks them. The immune system also fights natural structures in the gut wall, which can cause severe harm.
A petechial rash looks like pin-prick red or purple spots on the skin, and can resemble flea bites. A purpuric rash looks more like bruising, showing up as reddish-purple areas on the skin.
Leukemia is cancer in the lymphatic system, blood-forming tissues, or bone marrow. It is one of the most well-known forms of cancer that can cause a skin cancer rash.
People may have a reddish purple rash of tiny dots or larger splotches, caused by bleeding from small blood vessels in the skin. If the liver function has been impaired for a long time, people may itch all over, and small yellow bumps of fat can be deposited in the skin or eyelids.
Gluten rash is a chronic, autoimmune skin condition that occurs in people with celiac disease because of gluten sensitivity. Symptoms of a gluten rash include a rash that looks like red, raised skin lesions/blisters, sores that look like hives, and lesions that occur in groups.
Dermatitis herpetiformis (sometimes known as DH, Duhring's disease, the gluten rash or the celiac rash), is a long-term (chronic) skin condition that causes itchy bumps and blisters. The direct cause of dermatitis herpetiformis is a sensitivity to gluten. Gluten is found in common foods such as wheat, rye and barley.
Besides dermatitis herpetiformis, people with celiac disease may have eczema, psoriasis, acne, chronic dry skin, hives, and alopecia areata. For some reason, they affect those with celiac disease more often than the general population.
What it looks like. A typical gluten face will present with red, puffy cheeks, with spots of hyperpigmentation around the chin. Some people will also have pimples spread out over the chin. Your face can also become bloated or swollen.
Skin issues including dermatitis, eczema, rosacea, skin rashes and keratosis pilaris (also known as 'chicken skin' on the back of your arms), resulting from fatty acid and vitamin A deficiency, as well as fat-malabsorption, caused by gluten damaging the gut.
Gluten intolerance can also affect your skin. A blistering skin condition called dermatitis herpetiformis is one manifestation of celiac disease ( 9 ). Although everyone who has celiac disease is sensitive to gluten, some people with the condition do not experience digestive symptoms that indicate celiac disease (10).
Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder. When a person who has it eats gluten, their immune system attacks and damages their small intestine. Over time, finger-like projections in the intestine that absorb nutrients, called villi, get damaged, limiting the overall absorption.
Two blood tests can help diagnose it: Serology testing looks for antibodies in your blood. Elevated levels of certain antibody proteins indicate an immune reaction to gluten. Genetic testing for human leukocyte antigens (HLA-DQ2 and HLA-DQ8) can be used to rule out celiac disease.
Symptoms. Dermatitis herpetiformis is characterized by small, clustered papules and vesicles that erupt symmetrically on the elbows, knees, buttocks, back, or scalp. The face and groin can also be involved. A burning sensation may precede lesion formation.
If you have celiac disease or gluten sensitivity you are at risk of poor absorption. In theory, this could increase your odds of having keratosis pilaris due to these nutrient deficiencies.
Most people manage the condition with a gluten-free diet and with medications to treat the rash. If you rely on diet alone, it can take 6 to 24 months after removing gluten from your diet for the rash to disappear. Therefore, people commonly take medication during this period to reduce the rash symptoms.
The condition has a connection to vitamin A deficiency, so supplementation with small amounts of vitamin A may help. Keratosis pilaris usually disappears eventually without treatment.
Keratosis pilaris is commonly found during hormone fluctuations that occur during pregnancy or menopause, as well as with hormone replacement therapy. The process of inflammation is a contributing factor to post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.
Can your diet cause keratosis pilaris? Despite what you might see on the internet, your diet does not cause keratosis pilaris. While doctors point to several reasons why someone might develop this skin condition, your diet is typically not one of them.
Besides dermatitis herpetiformis, people with celiac disease may have eczema, psoriasis, acne, chronic dry skin, hives, and alopecia areata. For some reason, they affect those with celiac disease more often than the general population.
Despite some of the claims circulating on the internet, going on a gluten-free diet won't cure your acne. There's no clinical evidence that gluten triggers acne breakouts.
The term gluten belly is used to define the feeling that some people experience after eating foods containing gluten. This sensation usually consists of feeling sick, tired, or bloated.
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